Possible PTSD Indicators

Possible PTSD Indicators

For Warriors or Rescuers

Below is a partial list of symptoms that may indicate the presence of PTSD. An individual need not have all of these to meet the criteria (Segments taken from the DSM V). For a full list see


  1. 1) Symptoms of re-experiencing or re-living the traumatic event:

    1. Bad dreams or nightmares about the event or something similar

    2. Behaving or feeling as if the event were actually happening all over again (this is known as having flashbacks)

    3. Having a lot of emotional feelings when I am reminded of the event

    4. Having physical sensations when I am reminded of the event (e.g., my heart races or pounds, I sweat, find it hard to breathe, feel faint, feel like I'm going to lose control)

  2. 2) Symptoms of avoiding reminders of the traumatic event:

    1. Avoiding thoughts, conversations, or feelings that remind me about the event

    2. Avoiding people, places, or activities that remind me of the event

    3. Having difficulty remembering some important part of the event

  3. 3) Since the event happened has there been experiences of :

    1. Since the incident having persistent (often distorted) negative beliefs / expectations of yourself / the world (i.e. “i’m to blame for what happened”...”I could have saved him/her/them”...”The world is always dangerous”)

    2. Loss of interest in, or just don't do, things that used to be important

    3. Feeling detached from people;  finding it hard to trust people

    4. Feeling emotionally "numb" and finding it hard to have loving feelings even toward those who are important to

    5. Having  a hard time falling or staying asleep

    6. Feeling irritable and have problems with my anger

    7. Having a hard time concentrating

    8. Feeling you may not live very long and feel there's no point in planning for the future

    9. Feeling jumpy and get startled easily

    10. Always "on guard"

  4. 4) Experience of medical or emotional problems:

    1. Stomach problems

    2. Intestinal problems

    3. Weight gain or loss

    4. Chronic pain (e.g., in back, neck, pelvic area (in women))

    5. Problems getting to sleep

    6. Problems staying asleep

    7. Headaches

    8. Skin rashes and other skin problems

    9. Irritability, a quick temper, and other anger problems

    10. Nightmares

    11. Depression

    12. Lack of energy, chronic fatigue

    13. Alcoholism and other substance use problems

    14. Anxiety (panic) attacks


PTSD can manifest in distinct ways with behaviors such as:

  1. 1. Increased sick time

  2. 2. Lack of a sense of humor

  3. 3. Aversion for doing car stops

  4. 4. Conflict avoidant / conflict insighting

  5. 5. Chronic lack of energy and  increase in fatigue

  6. 6. Difficulties at work with peers / command staff

  7. 7. Difficulties at home with significant other and children

  8. 8. Avoidance of places where a critical incident occurred

  9. 9. Post Incident changes in personality that are out of character